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Eagle News Network

About ENN

The Eagles News Network (ENN)  is a weekly News program by the students of Rio del Norte, for the students of Rio del Norte.

ENN Motto

ENN, by students, for students.

Submission Links

  • Book Review Form:
  • News Segment Suggestion Form: Eagles News Network - Suggestions
  • Story/Video Submission Form:

The History of ENN

ENN came about through discussions between Mr. Waltrip (Principal), Mr. Napoles (Counselor), and Mr. Romano (Tech Champ/3rd Grade Teacher). The goal was to find an easy way to relay information to the students of RdN, such as Student Council Messages, and Messages from the Principal. It was decided that a school wide news program would be the best avenue for these messages. The student council President and Vice President were chosen to be the lead anchors with other students helping to produce each episode. ENN is a collaborative effort by the students and teachers at Rio del Norte.

Each week students work with Mr. Romano to write, film, direct, produce, and edit an episode. The whole production process is slowly beginning to transition from teacher centered to student centered. Each week, the students take over more and more of ENN, and each week the episodes get better and better. Students now handle almost all equipment setup, camera operation, script writing, and in the field segments. Each week, new segments are added and now have many segments that help other students and teachers get their voice heard around campus. ENN is now a avenue for student voices and information on the RdN campus.